


 特に、魚骨は動物遺体中、主体を占める割合が高いが、多量に出土するにも拘わらず、魚種が豊富で、一個体中の構成部位も多いことから、骨の数の少ない他の脊椎動物よりも同定(identification)が難しい。同定には現生種の骨格標本や解剖アトラスとの対比が欠かせないが、日本には魚類遺存体の同定用標本を系統的に収蔵する研究機関はきわめて少ない。また、入門書としては『考古学と動物学』(西本豊弘・松井章編 同成社 1999)、『環境考古学マニュアル』(松井章編 同成社 2003)、『動物考古学』(松井章 京都大学学術出版会 2008)などが刊行され、骨格図が系統だって整備されつつあるが、魚類遺体の同定のためにはより多くのアトラス図を整備していく必要がある。そこで、本研究では破壊部分の多い遺跡出土遺存体の特性を踏まえたアトラスを作成することにした。



 本研究はJSPS科研費 22500978の助成を受けたものである。


We can analyse the past livelihood, utilization of organism, interaction between the people and their environment, or so, through the investigation of animal remains unearthed from archaeological sites. Those animal remains implies some of the past human involvement in nature. In terms of history of mankind, zooarchaeology is the important part of archaeology, that draw out information from animal remains.

Most of Japanese lands are acidified by tephra, so that most of animal remains disappear except where soil contains abundant calcium, such as shell mounds or cave sites. To minimize sampling errors, sampling method of sieving soil is introduced and become common in contemporary archaeological excavations of fields those yield animal remains. Consequently, researchers obtain much smaller animal remains those were missed before.

While fish bones are abundant in organic remains from archaeological field, in terms of quantity, variety of species, and numerous parts which constitute a skeleton, identification of species are difficult compared to other vertebrates. Skeletal preparations or atlas of anatomy of contemporary species are imperative for identification. Nevertheless most of Japanese research organizations do not have systematically-collected fish remains specimens for identifications. In these days introductory books such as "Kokogaku to Dobutsugaku (Archaeology and Zoology)" (Toyohiro Nishimoto and Akira Matsui ed., 1999, Dosei-sha), "Kankyo Kokogaku Manual (Environmental Archaeology Manual)" (Akira Matsui ed., 2003, Dosei-sha), and "Dobutsu Kokogaku (Zooarchaeology)" (Akira Matsui, 2008, Kyoto Univ.Press), are published so that skeletal graphics become piled up to some extent. We still need more atlas graphics for fish identifications. This research attempts to create an atlas that will suit to archaeological animal remains which are mostly imperfect.

Selected regions for illustrations are jaws and vertebrae (especially from the first to the third), those are adapted for identifications. Selected area is Honshu (especially and mostly Kanto area) where numerous shell mounds distribute. Selected fish species are those appear frequently in coastal zones and inland shell mounds, widely known species, and those from freshwater area and brackish waters.

We planned to integrate associated information of remains into the atlas database. The integrated database will be effective in comparing one identified result to another ones from different sites, and convenient to find other sites which yield same species. We expect to promote streamlining the process of identification and making a distribution map. So far the database do not reach completion yet, we intend to update and enhance it.

This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 22500978.